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作者:   来源:   点击数: 更新时间:2016-08-08

1Title: Mild Treatment for Epilepsy

Summary:Up to 5% of people in the world may have at least one seizure in theirlives and about 1% is suffered from seizures hindering their daily life. Although the seizures can be suppresses by adequate medication for about 80% of them, the residual 20% are not affected by the drug. The effective treatment for these patients of drug-resistive epilepsy is a surgical treatment to remove the “epileptogenc focus”.

After identifying the location of the epileptogenic focus, almost all of the focus area should be necrotized by the way in which the narrow area can be affected with checking. The necrotizing equipment for the narrow area should be fine for not delivering damages on the healthy area of the brain. In our national project, i.e. CADET (Consortium of ADvanced Epilepsy Treatment) project supported during 2008-2012 by a Grant-in-Aid for Specially Promoted Research (Project No.20001008) granted by MEXT of Japan. themicocryoprobe was developed for necrotizing a restricted area of the epileptogenic focus.

Rapid freezing and thawing of the biological tissue causes necrosis of cells and neurons in the narrow area because of destruction of subcellular organelle by the difference of salt concentrations. This is well-known as cryoablation in hepatoma, lung malignancy, carcinoma prostata, and so on, where the tip of the freezing probe is about several cm and not suitable for minimally invasiveness and narrow area freezing in the brain surgery. Thus the coaxial triple tube structure was employed for fine tip of the probe, where the outer diameter of the probe is less than 1 mm. The minimally invasive surgery for drug-resistant epilepsy was successfully evaluated with a Macacafuscata (Japanese Monkey). However we have some patients left after surgical treatment.

After the project, the members are engaged in the research on the epilepsy treatment which employs cooling down the epileptogenic focus to suppress the activity of the nervous system and the severe seizure will be avoided.

Simultaneously, I am planning another way to cope with the problem of the side effect of medication and risk of surgery. That is the fusion of neurophysiology and acupuncture, i.e. the fusion of western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine. The possibility of balancing the autonomic nerves by acupuncture suggests us that the brain activity may be controlled by the acupuncture not to induce a seizure even in case of generation the epileptiform brain wave.

2Title: Some Recent Advances in FIR Filtering

Summary:The Kalman filter is a recursive state estimator for non-stationarystochastic processes with partial observation. It provides an optimal estimate for the actual value of an unknown state vector from noisy observations in the least square sense. However, since the Kalman filter has an infinite impulse response (IIR) structure, it uses all past outputs and accumulates them for an optimal state estimation during implementation. Thus, when the system model has temporary model uncertainty, the Kalman filter leads to poor filtering performance and adivergence problem. To deal with this, finite impulse response (FIR) filters for state estimation have been proposed as an alternative to the Kalman filter with its IIR structure. FIR filters have been studied extensively and applied successfully to numerous engineering problems, such as control system design and target tracking. In this talk, we will review some recent advances in FIR filtering.

3、TitleMinimum Feedback Information for Networked Control and Estimation

Summary:Networked control systems, which arise in several importantapplications including remote robot control, automated navigation and sensor networks, have opened up huge opportunities to bring together ideas from both control/estimation and information theories to design engineering systems. By adapting ideas for quantifying network uncertainties from information theory, this talk studies the fundamental bottlenecks of feedback network on linear systems. Specifically, we explicitly delineate the minimum bit-rate for stabilizability, the maximum packet dropout rate for observability, and the networktopology for synchronizability, all of which provide the possibility and impossibility of designing networked control systems.






报告摘要:随机切换系统在网络化控制、故障容错控制系统建模方面具有广泛的应用。过去的几十年间,马尔科夫跳跃随机切换系统研究取得了巨大的进步, 然而该类系统存在子系统驻留时间服从指数分布的严格假设。半马尔科夫链可放松这一假设,相应的半马尔科夫跳跃系统也得到了大量关注。该报告将讨论一类更切为实际的、驻留时间有限情况下的随机切换系统稳定性概念, 以及汇报利用半马尔科夫核工具下的半马尔科夫跳跃系统的分析与控制研究结果。